Friday, September 9, 2011

New Things

God has been so faithful to me in this first month of my senior year. Today marks one month exactly that I flew back to my east coast home. It continues to be an adventure, a challenge, an opportunity for new growth, and I'm overwhelmed by the beauty God brings to my life when I step out and follow his direction. For those of you who don't know, I have joined the campus ministry team this year as a life group leader. Basically, I am a spiritual leader to the upperclassmen ladies on my entire floor of the commons (53 of them!). But not to fear, I have two wonderful co-leaders who are in the graduate program named Hannah and Anne. Hannah was actually one of my life group leaders last year so it's a joy to team up with her now. And Anne is like the older sister I never had. We tease each other constantly and she is probably the most blunt person I've ever encountered! We are a good blend of personalities and I know God will use that to get me out of my box of perfectionism.

Our meetings have been so blessed and the ladies of this floor astound me with their care and love for each other. Please pray for me as I act as a shepherdess. I desire everything that I say and do to be God-breathed, to be used as a vessel. Pray that I will be emptied of everything that is not of God. Our director, Dr Kidd, warned us that we are sheep among wolves and there is spiritual and physical danger that comes with this position of leadership. But I'm ready to fight for these girls and be bruised in the process...Lord help me. I love this role and cannot wait to see the grown God brings on this floor!

Oh, and the other day, there was a special chapel service to dedicate all of the student leaders followed by an anointing ceremony. And I was anointed by Pat Robertson!

Me and Hannah
Life Group Craft Party!

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