Thursday, September 15, 2011


Last weekend, a group of us went up to Matthews (My former roommate Erica's hometown) to their giant art festival. It was really fun! The main street was lined with all kinds of different art for sale. Walking sticks, quilts, jewelry, paintings, knitting (yay!), pottery, and lots more. Our favorite one was the honey booth where we got different flavored honey sticks (I got cinnamon). We also enjoyed lunch at a wonderful pizza place. It was strange being in such a small town because everybody knew EVERYBODY. Erica kept running into people and saying hi. One of the best moments was when we walked into an antique store where there was a creepy mannequin in the corner. Erica hadn't seen it yet, so as she walked towards it, I said, "Hey, Erica, this lady wants to talk to you." By the time she rounded the corner, the mannequin of creepiness was like 4 feet away from her and she flipped out! It was hilarious.

On the way back from Matthews, we stopped at the twin's house to drop Hayley off. And we were just in time to catch their mom taking snickerdoodles out of the oven. Their kitchen smelled so good! I missed you Mommy. But God has given me Virginia Mamas!

The Gang. Danny, Heidi, Me, Erica, Jana, and Ashley.

This one's for Daddy! Delorean :)

Erica's mom, Michelle (aka my VA Mama)

Coolest Quilt in the World!

The Honey Man

Painting on Wood

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