Saturday, November 27, 2010

Steve's Visit!

Last week, Steve flew out so we could spend some much-needed time together. When I saw him for the first time in 3 months, I ran to him and we shared one of the best hugs we've ever had. I couldn't let him go. I understand why God has us apart for this season of life, but that doesn't make it any easier to be away from the love of my life. Anyways, we had such a great visit. We just rested when he first got here since he had gotten no sleep on a red eye flight. Steve stayed with one of my dear friends (ironically also named Steve) and they clicked so well. It was wonderful to finally introduce Steve to these new people in my life.

The next day we dressed up and went to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate our monthly anniversary which was the next day (28 months!). We split a blueberry mojito that was very tasty, and I had mahi mahi while Steve got steak. Of course we got cheesecake too after walking around and window shopping for awhile since it was impossible to eat anything else right after dinner. I got an amazing reeses cheesecake/cake, and Steve got the carmel apple streusel cheesecake. So good!

One day we went to see the most current Regent play called The Last Night of Ballyhoo. It was the best play I've seen yet! Lots of good humor and funny moments. We loved it! And the costume department here made a replica of Scarlet's dress from Gone with the Wind for the production. It was stunning!

The next day we went antiquing in Ghent with 4 of my good friends. It was so fun just hanging out and finding random things in antique stores. I'm glad they got to know Steve better too. We had lunch at 5 Guys which is like the In-N-Out of the east coast (but I think nothing can beat In-N-Out!). It was really good though. That night we went to a mall to shop for dresses for Regent's upcoming Christmas ball. Steve helped me pick out a few to try on. I didn't find any I liked enough to buy, but it's okay because Steve brought my dress from home.

Another thing we did was take pictures for a project in my lighting class. I borrowed a really nice camera from the equipment office and Steve kindly served as my model. Here are a few pictures I took...


At one point we headed over to the Founders Inn (the fancy hotel on campus) to find some unique photo opportunities. We walk into the lobby and they are having this huge bridal expo going on, so we decided to check it out. I was like, "Steve, let's try to look engaged so they don't kick us out!" They were having this huge fashion show in the main ballroom and there were all these displays of cakes, centerpieces, photography, and dresses. It was so cool!

Thankfully it was a much easier goodbye at the airport than the one in August. I only have to wait 18 more days until my Christmas break when I finally get to go home to the redwoods.

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