Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow, snow, SNOW!

Okay, so it only snowed for a few hours on Saturday night, but still awesome! I hope it snows more so I can play in it. It's certainly cold enough :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine Social

So today, all the girl life groups combined to have a Valentine's Day dessert social! It was such a great time of fellowship and I'm so happy that we had a good turnout. Here are some photos of the afternoon. By the way, sorry I don't blog as consistently as I have in the past. It's partially because of busyness and partially because I don't have particularly interesting news.

Two of my life group girlys! Love them :)

Treats galore!

Making Valentines

Two stellar life group leaders
Speaking of life group, I led solo for the first time this week and God really blessed it! I was so encouraged by the discussion about God's purpose for each of us, and they taught me a lot. I love life group :)