Friday, January 28, 2011

Steve's Visit

Steve and I had a blast together! We went on walks around campus, he came to class with me, we spent time with my friends, went on a double date with Corrie and John, watched movies, made dinner together, went grocery shopping (that was so fun!), saw Tron, went to church, went to Starbucks for hard core conversation, and just enjoyed each others' company. I was super excited that he got to hang out with my friend Steven Gaines more. I knew they would be good friends! Here's a photo...

Steve and Steve! There are literally like 8 Stevens at Regent.
Such a wonderful visit. Much needed and greatly enjoyed.

23rd Birthday Surprise

My 23rd birthday will forever be etched in my memory as probably the sweetest birthday of all time! I was kinda nervous about it since it was my first one away from home. Wasn't sure if anyone would care about celebrating with me, but God surrounded me with loving, fun girls who love any excuse to go out and party (in a good way of course). I was overwhelmed by the love showered on me on the 20th by the people here at Regent and back home. I got so many beautiful cards, a package from Germany from Kelli full of foreign goodness, a birthday call from Kaitie Korver at midnight, and the best gift of all that I never expected...

So, a few days before my birthday, Sarah (my RA) asked if I wanted to get a bunch of girls together and go to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate my 23rd. Absolutely! So I was excited to go out and have an excuse to dress up. But the next day, Sarah and Corrie called me and asked if I wanted to do something on Wednesday night (the day before my birthday) with just us. I thought that was kind of strange since we were going out the next night, but I said sure. They wouldn't tell me what we were doing and I asked about dress code. Sarah tried to answer but ended up handing the phone to Corrie who responded with, "Dress hot!" Okay.

So Wednesday night comes and I get all fancy for our pre-birthday girl's night out. I go to Sarah's room where she and Corrie are waiting for me (and another girl Gabrielle is hanging out). It's about 9:30 PM at this point. Soon after, Corrie gets a call from Erica and announces that we are waiting for her to come meet us so she can come too. So we wait around for like 40 minutes and I start getting confused. First, I notice that neither Corrie or Sarah look incredibly dressed up, and what the heck are we going to do after 10 PM?! Nothing PG is open. This whole situation is completely out of character for them. Hmmmmm.

When Erica arrives, we all head over to my room again while she gets ready. I'm tired at this point and kinda mad because I hadn't talked to Steve yet that day (I tried both numbers with no success, odd). All of the sudden, there is a knock on the door. Corrie opens it as I turn around to see who it is...and my jaw drops. Who else walks in but STEVE!!! I was speechless! He walks in and says, "Happy birthday." I tear up as I walk towards him and we hug for the first time in almost three weeks. At that point, all of these girls who were in cahoots with Steve the whole time just start crying at this beautiful sight of reunion. They are seriously still talking about it and I'm pretty sure Steve will be a legend here for a while. It was the best birthday present I'll ever get! And it was such a God thing because he had air miles and his flight only cost $10! Also, Steven Gaines (one of my friends who Steve stayed with last time he visited) had just moved and had an extra bed in his room. So perfect!

After we talk for about an hour and he explains all his secret keeping details, we headed to IHOP to get some dinner, since all Steve had that day was airport food. We get there about midnight, so I started off my birthday with Steve by my side while I ate chocolate chip pancakes and getting a birthday call from Kaitie Korver. So good!

The next morning, I got up and found this hanging on the wall. Thanks roomie! It has butterflies all over it!

Also, my friend Renee stopped by and brought me some delicious bread from a local bakery and some incredible leftover desserts from a wedding she went to for one of her best friends. They were unbelievable tasty! That was my birthday breakfast :)

Cream puffs, eclairs, canoles, cheesecake, cookies, and more!

Steve and I just enjoyed the day together and relaxed in my room, watched the Lion King, I opened birthday gifts and cards that Steve delivered from home, talked to my sister for an hour, we went on a walk and visited my friend Ashley at her on campus job, and then we got ready to go out to Cheesecake Factory with the girls. Gabrielle, one of my friends who is a talented makeup artist, even gave me a gorgeous makeup job. Here's the group (minus Jillian who came a bit later). I can't believe how blessed I am with the friendships I have here.

My life was incomplete before this picture was taken
Yes, they sang for me :)
It was so much fun! Steve and I split an appetizer (avocado egg rolls) and a passion fruit mojito. I got the original strawberry cheesecake (fav!). Lots of laughter, fellowship, stories, and bonding time. I'm so glad that Steve got to know my circle of friends better and vise versa. Best birthday ever! God is so good.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Editing Project

If any of you want to see the caliber of films us students make here at Regent, here's a link to a project I edited last semester. It's a musical! Enjoy!

Blind Date

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Here's me and my lovely new roomie, Erica Williams :) She's fantastic!

Semester #2

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you enjoyed the holidays and got some peace and quiet amidst all the hustle and bustle. I had a wonderful 2 weeks at home. Saw lots of friends, spent time with the fam, went on dates with my man, enjoyed not cooking for myself, had a sleepover with Kaitie Korver (aka bestie), drank in the redwood forest I missed so much, walked around camp, and prayed time would go slower. It was an incredibly short break, but better than none! It was an adventure just getting home as the airports scrambled to deal with the snow here on the east coast. I missed all of my connections and when I finally got lucky enough to get a flight to LA (by that point I just wanted to get to the right state and didn't care what airport it was), I was stranded in that airport until the next day. But Jeff and Christina came to my rescue and I spent the night at their place which is only about 25 minutes away. God is good! Here's me and Kaitie enjoying some much needed El Toro Bravo time during my break. I am Mexican food deprived over here...

God also has a strange sense of humor. You may recall me posting that I did not win the video contest at Regent. I received a call when I was in CA from the head of marketing at Regent. She informed me that the on-campus winner was recently disqualified because of an age discrepancy and I was the new WINNER!!! I couldn't believe it! I started freaking out in Target with Kaitie and Steve (we were Christmas shopping at the time). God is definitely testing my trust in Him through situations and I'm learning to give all my stresses to Him. He sure hasn't disappointed yet! The marketing rep said my video was "very popular" so that's thanks to all of you who voted! Thank you so much!

I'm back at Regent and the first week of my spring 2011 semester has come and gone. Not much to report yet. It's good to see all my friends again. I like my classes so far and get to take cinematography with my favorite professor Doug. Woohoo! It's fun having a bigger room and a wonderful new roommate. Here's some pictures of my new room and some photos of pancake feast that I promised to post...

Wonderful ladies in my life!
We have so much fun :)
Big room
My favorite part: the window faces the woods!